The Chattanooga Writers’ Guild is pleased to announce their spring writing competition with six categories.
The Universe in Verse is a fabulous show every year. This year it was online only, with no lie audience. Here is a link to a past year’s show, with poets celebrating science and scientists.
Christian Collier Chattanooga’s best known poet will offer online classes through Rise Chattanooga https://www.facebook.com/RISECHA.org/
The deadline for general submissions to Boulevard magazine is this Friday. Their poetry contest closes on June 1. https://boulevardmagazine.org/guidelines
There are only a few days to enter the Short Fiction contest from Craft https://www.craftliterary.com/short-fiction-prize/
The Chattery offers several fee-based online classes from cake decorating to financing a new home, https://www.facebook.com/thechattery/
The Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology offers web-based bird identification software. Identify neighborhood birds with five easy questions. Visit this link for a free copy of Merlin bird: ID
iNaturalist is another excellent web-based software popular with those who love wildflowers. Take a photo and the software offers a few possible matches. https://www.inaturalist.org/
This week’s online edition of the Chattanooga Pulse is now available: http://www.chattanoogapulse.com/
Get a daily dose of a podcast that is “for the birds. https://www.birdnote.org/get-podcast-rss
StarDate from the McDonald observatory: https://blubrry.com/stardate/
The Slowdown - a poem read aloud each day by Poet Laureate Tracy Smith
Response to Joy Harjo’s poem “Perhaps the World Ends Here”
She speaks of a kitchen table. I wonder, how many of us have sat at such a table where babyies teethed and wars began and ended? I think of communal meals when company came together, and we pulled on each of the round wooden table. It expanded and we put a center board in to accommodate the extra guests. She tells us that children became men and women at such tables. We learned secrets as everyone ate well. Did we live as well as we ate? Reading this poem, I see how she became Poet Laureate of the United States.