10 AM to 4:30 PM
10:00 to 4: 30 - Vendors on the Fourth Floor - Authors, Illustrators, Printers, and Publishers
Includes presentations by those vending
Book Signings
Chieman Tea
Beginning at 11:00 Children's Activities on the Second Floor
11:00 to 4:00 - Invited speakers in the First Floor Auditorium
12:00 - Open Mic on the Aquarium Plaza with food trucks
First Floor Speakers
Auditorium Program
Auditorium schedule of events
11 AM Fiction: Matthew Hubbard, Paul Luikart, Sybil Baker, MC Starr Lowe
1 PM Poetry: Helga Kidder, Josiah Golson, Finn Bille,M C John C. Mannone
2 PM Nonfiction: Dana Shavin, Sarah Einstein, Amber Lanier Nagle, MC Christopher Chaney
3 PM Spoken Word: Carla Elliot aka Poetess Phenomenal C, and Jody Harris, Peggy Douglas,
MC and presenter Christian Collier
Publications of these presenters will be available on the fourth floor with signings at noon and 4pm
4th Floor Events
Fourth Floor data (6/6/18 by Mark)
1- Chattanooga Writers Guild: Guild memberships and books by members
2- Chattanooga Writers' Guild: books by auditorium presenters
3- The Mayor's Book Club
4- Mr. Manabu Iko of Sister City Tono Japan: Legends of Tono
5- Justin Strickland; author: https://www.arcadiapublishing.com/Products/9780738568089
6- Wolfpack Press: publisher: wolfpackpress.org
7- Wonder Press; printer: http://wonderpressprinting.com/
8- Christina Thongnopnua: illustrator/author; "Ink and Rhyme Storytime"
9- Alex Ogle: illustrator: http://www.alexogle.com/
10- David Helton; illustrator: http://www.davidheltonillustration.com/
11 A- Bird White: author, photographer www.BirdScraps.com
11B-Author https://www.amazon.com/Weight-She-Carried-Monologues-Misunderstood/dp/1941749690/
12 A- Janie Dempsey Watts: author http://www.janiewatts.com/
12 B- Victoria L. Thurman: author: https://www.amazon.com/Victoria-L.-Thurman/e/B008RDCHJE
13 A- Leah Price; author http://www.leahprice.com/
13,B- note Spaces Still Available
14 A- J. D. Harper: author http://www.jd-harper.com/
14 B- Barbara G. Tucker: author: https://www.barbaragrahamtucker.com/
15 A- Aaron McQueen: McQueen Serial Fantasy: www.mcqueenserialfantasy.com
15 B- Alex Scott; author: http://alexscottwrites.blogspot.com/p/my-writing.html
16- A- K. L. Young: author: https://www.kendrayoung.com/
16 B- Greg Wilkey: author: https://www.wilkeywrites.com
17 A- Linda Murray Bullard; author and speaker: https://getthebusiness.org/
17 B- Coach Laura Brown; writing coach; https://www.coachlaurabrown.com/
18 A- Stephanie Nicole Norris; author: https://stephanienicolenorris.com/
18 B- Candace Blevins: author: http://www.candaceblevins.com/
19 note Spaces Still Available
20 note Spaces Still Available
Children’s Activities
Children’s activities will be held on the second floor of the library. This floor requires that all adults be accompanied by a child. We are asking that parents not drop off children and attend other events. We are not licensed childcare providers. We ask that you remain in the vicinity on the same floor. Thanks for your help in this event.
Activities will start at 11 and run until 3, or whenever supplies run out.
All young writers, from Kindergarten and up are encouraged to attend!
These are some great creative writing activities that we will be offering:
1. “Whatever Happened To…?”
Writers will revisit familiar, but perhaps forgotten, characters from nursery rhymes and books and imagine what happened to them after the story ended.
2. “Postcards”
Writers will compose a short letter to a friend, family member, or even a famous character – real or fiction!
3. “Sticker Prompts”
Writers will be provided stickers with the names of people, places, things, and events to use as prompts while writing their own short story.
4. “Picture Prompts”
Writers will use pictures to help spark their creativity when writing their story.
5. “List Poems”
A great way for any poet to form a poem is to first write a list of words that describe a topic. Writers will then take the list and expand it into a poem by adding adjectives, reflective thoughts, verbs – whatever they can come up with!
6. “Rhyming Synonym Couplets”
Poems for writers who welcome a challenge! Choose a word, then write a rhyming couplet (2 lines of verse), using as many synonyms (words that mean the same thing as the chosen word) as possible!
7. “Persona Poems”
Persona Poems give writers a way to express emotions using descriptive language. These poems are either written to or about someone or something.
8. “Make Your Own Book”
Writers will create, decorate, illustrate, and write their own mini-book!