Rayz Reviewz is a newsletter of nature and the arts. Previous editions are archived on Ray’s web page at
https://www.rayzimmermanauthor.com/the-rains-come Please send your events and announcements to
[email protected]
Students and Friends of the Julliard School asked themselves, “What can we do together even when we are alone?” The answer is this unique performance of Bolero with ultimate social distancing.
The National Audubon Society has an online edition of Birds of America, the classic work of John James Audubon https://www.audubon.org/birds-of-america
Rattle Poetry now three weekly podcasts on YouTube including “Poets Respond,”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm0Hh5a83Fc this is offered in addition to their quarterly publication.
The Plug Poetry Project https://www.facebook.com/groups/2498198823552686/ held a virtual open mic June 6. Visit their YouTube Channel to view episodes of the docuseries.
Reflection Riding Arboretum and Nature Center is open to those holding visitor passes. For full information check their web page. https://reflectionriding.org/www/blog/viewpost/50
The Chattanooga Audubon Society https://www.chattanoogaaudubon.org/ has reopened the trail system at Audubon Acres. Buildings remain closed. July 31 Is the deadline for their 2020 photography contest.
Keeody Gallery, operated by Keelah and Jody Harris, offers online Art Classes. Viewing the art at the gallery is by appointment at his time. https://keeody.com/ A feature article about Jody, “Afro Folk Comes to Chattanooga,” appeared in the recent issue of Catalpa magazine.
From the Cracker Barrell to Bonnaroo, Catalpa offers a diverse view of the region. Students in the Graduate Program in English at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga publish Catalpa: A Magazine of Southern Perspectives. They produce only a few print copies, but the online version is available here: https://www.catalpamag.com/
The Chattanooga Writers Guild will hold their monthly meeting online on June 9, President Mark Anderson interviews fiction writer Paul Luikart. Watch the prerecorded interview on June 9 in their Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/chattanoogawritersguild/ June 15 is the deadline to enter their spring writing contest. http://www.chattanoogawritersguild.org/2020-spring-contest.html
Nova Conservation in their own words: “We're on a mission to shake up the world of conservation by providing unique eco-adventures: Trips that partner with researchers for a collaborative, hands-on experience.” Learn more about these opportunities here https://www.novaconservation.com/
The Porch Writer’s Collective based in Nashville offers online writers workshops and a weekly set of writing prompts in your inbox. Learn more at their web site http://www.porchtn.org/
The Chattanooga Pulse, Chattanooga’s weekly alternative offers announcements, events and news stories. Visit them here www.chattanoogapulse.com/
Barking Legs Theater will offer a garden concert with Nathan Bell on Saturday, June 13. A David Jacobs-Strain streaming concert takes place Friday, June 12 with tickets “at the door.” Full information appears on their web site. https://barkinglegs.org/
Marcus Patrick Ellsworth is offering a virtual The Floor is Yours performance event also part of the Barking Legs Theater programming. https://www.facebook.com/events/211373150299335/
The Missouri Review offers several opportunities for writers https://www.missourireview.com/
Sequestrum offers frequent writers’ contests https://www.sequestrum.org/
Shameless Self Promotion
See Ray Zimmerman reading his poetry on his Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/ray.zimmerman.75