In 1993, The Hellbender Press of Knoxville published my essay “A walk on the Levee,” which included a description of the wintering ducks seen on March first of that year. Later in 1993, “The Levee Revisited,” included a description of threats to this natural area posed by development, and a lengthy description of the resident Belted Kingfisher. I also included brief comments on some Great Egrets spotted there during the fall migration.
In my written accounts of these adventures, I followed a convention common among bird watchers and other naturalists. Proper Names such as Northern Mockingbird and Great Blue Heron are capitalized. Common names such as mockingbird and heron are not.
I visited the Levee several days that fall and realized it was, at least for a time, the Belted Kingfisher’s land. The bird was a regular feature of the marsh. The following brief passages are a record of change from fall into winter in one particular year at Kingfishers Domain.