The Dow is up.
The Dow is down.
Investors elated
or wearing a frown.
The Tao of Tao Te Ching
is not the Dow of Dow Jones fame
though they are pronounced the same.
Dow fluctuates, but Tao is eternal.
Wining and dining can lead to whining.
Cat wants out.
Cat wants in
Cat stands in doorway looking out.
Put cat out and he wants back in.
Put cat in and he wants back out.
Doggie doors were invented for cats
who refuse to use them.
By the way, thanks for the dead mouse.
I suppose they are tasty,
but I threw it in the trash.
Aren’t humans perplexing?
My cat Sam was a thug.
Despite being neutered
he got out at every opportunity.
He sprayed neighborhood trees
and regularly beat up other male cats.
He used to sneak up behind me
as I typed at the keyboard.
He would box my leg
with both paws and tun away.
He died of heart failure.