Green by Ray Zimmerman
After the image Pool Head by Pat Singer
Pool Head | Search Results | Rattle: Poetry
In the dead of winter, the leafless trees mock death.
The body of mother earth seems a corpse,
Until you arrive, embodiment of springtime.
Goddess or Green Man, androgynous figure,
the earth is renewed when you appear.
The green of springtime reflects your skin.
I search for Oberon and Titania in your headdress
of boulders and rising vapors as they dream elsewhere.
They await the Bard’s call, for it is not yet midsummer’s eve.
The swimmers dive into your private ocean
just as they appeared in Whitman’s poems,
Poet of the fecund earth he would appreciate
your presence surrounded by vines and shrubs.
In your vernal appearance I contemplate my age,
the mystery that I am still here after so many years.
The cycle of seasons will bring you back again,
but a man’s life is linear, physical existence transitory.
My spirit will be here to greet you, but my body may not.
Published in Sinew, an anthology by Poetry in the Brew.
<i>Sinew</i> Chronicles 10 Years of Open-Mic Night Poetry in the Brew | Books |
Photos of Glen Falls by Ray Zimmerman