This year, birdwatchers across the nation and right here in Chattanooga will participate as citizen scientists in a nature watching and research tradition which began 114 years ago. .Nationally, the effort is coordinated by the National Audubon Society. Local bird watchers have three counts in which they may participate, and the activity is open to all. Learn more about Christmas Bird Counts at the December meeting of the Tennessee Ornithological Society, Chattanooga Chapter. Details about the meeting and the three local counts, appear in the December issue of the Chattanooga Chat, local chapter newsletter and are reprinted below. View the full text of the newsletter at http://www.chattanoogatos.,org
December Meeting
Ascension Lutheran Church
720 S Germantown Rd
Thursday, December 12, 2013
5:30 p.m. Executive Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. Monthly Meeting
Program: Kevin Calhoon of the Tennessee Aquarium will present the December 12 program on "Stats And Christmas Counts". Kevin has been the count compiler for Hamilton County for many years. It should be interesting to hear what trends have emerged.
After the meeting Starr Klein, Linda Kelley & Katherine Broyles will provide refreshments.
THURS., DEC. 5: STANDIFER GAP MARSH AND POSSIBLY OTHER LOCAL SITES – Leader: Hugh Barger (605-3131 or [email protected]) – Meet at the Marsh at 8:30 AM. There is no telling what may be found with all the recent weather changes.
SAT., DEC. 14: 61ST CHATTANOOGA CHRISTMAS COUNT – Contact Kevin Calhoon (423-785-4070 or [email protected]) if you are interested in participating.
SAT., DEC. 21: 29TH ANNUAL NICKAJACK CHRISTMAS COUNT – Contact David Spicer (423-894-5310 OR [email protected]) if you are interested in participating.
SAT., JAN. 4: 47TH ANNUAL HIWASSEE CHRISTMAS COUNT – Contact Kevin Calhoon (423-785-4070 OR [email protected]) if you are interested in participating.
Kevin Calhoon will be discussing the counts and getting teams together at our TOS meeting on Dec. 12