Contact: Ray Zimmerman, [email protected]
Book Release
Ray Zimmerman is pleased to announce the release of a new book, We Are Water.
Wednesday, February 22
4 PM to 6 PM
Star Line Books
1467 Market St. # 106
Chattanooga, TN 37402
This book features haiku and color photographs with the photograph and matching haiku appearing on facing pages. The poems are inspired by the nature photographs in a style known as ekphrastic. Ray shot the photographs on film as 35 mm color slides, and they were later converted into digital media.
Asked about the project, Ray said, “I began looking at my photographs and writing matching haiku. The Art of Haiku by Stephen Addiss inspired me. I also had the opportunity to participate in a church art show with my poetry last summer. I produced a poster of a longer poem and a poster of one of my photographs as companion pieces. I have since produced four poetry posters (also known as broadsides), with signed and numbered copies available at Star Line Books and from the author. I have also produced five post cards with poems and photographs. Four of the post cards include Haiku and the fifth one includes a somewhat longer poem.”