Welcome to Rayz Reviewz.
In this Issue
My Latest Project Goes Live
Featured Essay: Fishing at Chickamauga Dam
Photos of Great Blue Herons at Chickamauga Dam
Opportunities for Writers
My Latest Project Goes Live
After telephone conversations and multiple edits, my feature article, “Snorkeler Casper Cox Explores Appalachia’s Diverse Freshwater Life,” is live on the Appalachian Voice website. The article is handsomely illustrated with stunning underwater photographs provided by Casper Cox.

Fishing at Chickamauga Dam
An osprey made a turn, like the move a pilot would call a nosedive. The bird seemed bound for a swim in the Tennessee River, but pulled up just as it splashed in the water. The osprey took a level course, slowly moving higher, with a fish dangling from its vice-like talons.
A sign warned humans to limit consumption of catfish harvested from these waters, due to contamination by mercury and other chemicals. But the striped bass were running. Fishers along the shore cast their lures, hopeful for a prize catch of “stripers.”
Great blue herons lined the shore nearby, beaks ready to strike with the speed of a snake should a fish wander into the shallows. One already turned a fish in its beak with the agility, though perhaps not the grace, of a juggler. Other fish escaped the many snares and moved downstream.
Fishing below dams is popular for humans and birds alike because the fish are easily caught. Stunned or injured by their trip through the turbines, they are slow moving and vulnerable. Even a growing population of cormorants, formerly rare to the area, work these waters.
Although I could easily find the cardinal points of the compass, when I think of rivers, there are only two directions, upstream and downstream. Upstream lies Chickamauga Lake with its water skies, power boats, and beaches. Downstream is the Tennessee Riverpark and the remnant wetlands of Amnicola Marsh and the Curtain Pole Road Area. Those are other stories for other days.

Arts and Letters has opened submissions for their journal. Send fiction, creative nonfiction, or poetry.
There is still time to enter the Writer’s Digest competition in poetry and their short story competition. For details, look to their competitions page.
The Writer magazine has great resources on their web page.
The Foundry, a literary journal, has released their fourth anniversary issue. Submissions for coming issues are open. See the web page for more information.
The Chattanooga State Writers @ Work program presents an online program, “Fish Out of Water.” On Monday, September 24 at 7:00 PM, Daniel Wallace will speak online about his book, “Big Fish,” and how it became a movie. See the Writers @ Work Facebook page for more information.
Scarritt-Bennett conference center in Nashville presents poet Kory Wells in a Poet’s Corner program on Thursday, September 24 at 7:00 PM. See the Scarritt Bennett Facebook page for further information.